Ryan- Assessment (PT)
Ryan is a 25-year-old who presents to the clinic with back pain. You are the physical therapist assigned to complete his evaluation today.
Recommended time for completion is 60 minutes.

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Owen S.- Intervention (OT)
Owen is a 6-year-old with congenital primary aphakia who is enrolled in an integrated preschool program in his local public school district. You are the occupational therapy practitioner assigned to complete Owen's intervention session today.
Recommended time for completion is 60 minutes.

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Thomas- Assessment (SW)
Interprofessional Case Study Interprofessional 

Interprofessional education (IPE) offers a collaborative approach to person-centered care with simulations developed for multiple professions.

View all Thomas IPE simulations >

Thomas is 16-year-old who is exhibiting signs of withdrawal from peers and activities, excessive fatigue, and headaches. His school nurse has reached out to student services over concerns Thomas may be experiencing neglect and/or excessive stress. You are the school social worker assigned to evaluate Thomas.
Recommended time for completion is 60 minutes.

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Suicide Screening and Assessment Part-Task Trainer
Suicide screenings and assessments allow providers to identify clients who may need further intervention to remain physically and psychologically safe. You are the provider assigned to complete a suicide screening and assessment for two clients and report your findings.

CONTENT WARNING: This simulation contains discussions of self-harm and suicidal ideation. Viewer discretion is advised.

Recommended time for completion is 45 minutes.

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Emily- History Part-Task Trainer (PT)
Emily is a 32-year-old who presents with left hip pain and stiffness following a labral repair. You are the physical therapy practitioner assigned to complete Emily’s history and intake today.
Recommended time for completion is 45 minutes.

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Trish- Assessment (SW)
Trish is a 68-year-old who has engaged in compulsive behaviors for over fifty years. These behaviors are now greatly impacting her personal and professional relationships. You are the social worker assigned to complete a psychosocial assessment with Trish.
Recommended time for completion is 60 minutes.

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Braelyn- Intervention (OT)
Interprofessional Case Study Interprofessional 

Interprofessional education (IPE) offers a collaborative approach to person-centered care with simulations developed for multiple professions.

View all Braelyn IPE simulations >

Braelyn is a 5-year-old with a complex medical history who is participating in therapy services in an outpatient clinic. You are the occupational therapy practitioner assigned to complete a cotreatment with a physical therapy practitioner during Braelyn's intervention session today.
Recommended time for completion is 75 minutes.

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Jessica- Assessment (SW)
Jessica is an 18-year-old with cognitive delays who is being evaluated by the Department of Human Services following police response to an altercation between Jessica and her father, Darryl, about Jessica's parenting of her daughter, Janelle. You are the social work practitioner assigned to complete an in-home psychosocial assessment with Jessica and her family.
Recommended time for completion is 60 minutes.

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Blakely- Assessment (PT)
Blakely is a 35-year-old who presents to the clinic with back pain. You are the physical therapist assigned to complete Blakely's evaluation today.
Recommended time for completion is 60 minutes.

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Jane- Intervention (SW)
Jane is a social worker at a community action agency working with external partners who recently received funding to implement a universal home-visiting program. You are the peer consultant assigned to meet with Jane and the project partners today.
Recommended time for completion is 60 minutes.

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