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Clinical Experience

Bridge clinical practice gaps
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Simulation-based learning to enhance clinical competencies
Clinical Experience is an online learning platform that connects users to videos and simulations, which are based on real people's stories, in a safe virtual environment.
Build skills in areas such as:
of faculty agree that Simucase Clinical Experience increases students' confidence to practice in real clinical settings.1
Sharpen skills with simulations + videos
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Use simulations to assess, diagnose, make recommendations, and provide intervention for virtual clients.

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Watch video clips that cover valuable topic areas. Test your knowledge with Interactive Mode.

Elevate learning + boost knowledge retention
Clinical Experience uses a combination of interactive simulations and videos to determine and build competency-based skills.
Videos: Learn from expert clinicians
  • Thousands of interactive videos
  • 75+ topic areas
  • Real-time questions with feedback
  • Micro-learning & full-session videos
Simulations: Practice skills

Gain access to hundreds of simulations in multiple clinical professions and get real-time feedback while learning evidence-based practice techniques.

Part-Task Trainers
  • Practice foundational skills
  • Administer tests & measures
  • Analyze policies & procedures
  • Practice electronic documentation
Experience the process from intake to discharge
Our simulations feature clients of all ages and in various settings.
  • Complete a case history
  • Interview collaborators
  • Administer assessments
  • Make recommendations
  • Interview client
  • Communicate with collaborators
  • Choose interventions
  • Report Progress

Why use simulations?

Research supports the use of simulations to determine and build competency-based skills.

  • Allow repeated practice of skills
  • Assist with remediation
  • Bridge knowledge gaps
  • Improve reasoning & critical thinking
  • Predict performance
  • Provide equitable learning opportunities
What people are saying
"Simucase has completely revamped the way we prepare students for live clinic."
Lauren Mann
University of Kansas
"Simucase gave a wide variety of populations and ages of therapy sessions that was able to broaden my exposure more than what I could watch in person in my university clinic. The questions along with the videos kept me engaged and helped deepend my takeaways."
Bailey Jordan
Abilene Christian University
Additional Services

Supervision Services

Our expert simulation educators partner with faculty to provide a customized virtual clinical experience for students.

Guided Observation Program

Our expert editorial team curates videos and hosts guided discussions so students can earn observation hours at their own pace.


Our sponsorship opportunities can help you distinguish your brand or university and reach thousands of students and faculty members!

Ready to get started?

Find out how Clinical Experience can address students' knowledge gaps and prepare them for their future careers!

Schedule a demo or contact our sales team >
1Based on data from the Simucase 2022 fall semester survey.