Hadley- Assessment (RAD)
Hadley is a 7-year-old referred to the clinic for X-rays due to pain and swelling of her left fourth finger after an injury. You are the radiologic technologist assigned to complete Hadley's images today.
Recommended time for completion is 30 minutes.

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Jaela- Assessment (RAD)
Jaela is a 10-year-old with osteogenesis imperfecta who was referred for X-rays due to right foot pain. You are the radiologic technologist assigned to complete Jaela's images today.
Recommended time for completion is 30 minutes.

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Leora- Intervention (SLP)
Interprofessional Case Study Interprofessional 

Interprofessional education (IPE) offers a collaborative approach to person-centered care with simulations developed for multiple professions.

View all Leora IPE simulations >

Leora is a 17-year-old with autism spectrum disorder who recently began using a new augmentative and alternative communication device. You are the speech-language pathology practitioner assigned to complete Leora's intervention session today.
Recommended time for completion is 45 minutes.

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Pat Ecomap- Part Task Trainer (SW)
Pat is scheduled for a consult evaluation to discuss her 6-year-old son, Brandon, who is having behavioral issues at school. You are the social worker assigned to complete the ecomap with Pat.
Recommended time for completion is 30 minutes.

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Leora- Intervention (OT)
Interprofessional Case Study Interprofessional 

Interprofessional education (IPE) offers a collaborative approach to person-centered care with simulations developed for multiple professions.

View all Leora IPE simulations >

Leora is a 17-year-old with autism spectrum disorder who recently began using a new augmentative and alternative communication device. You are the occupational therapy practitioner assigned to complete Leora's intervention session today.
Recommended time for completion is 45 minutes.

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Norman- Intervention (OT)
Norman is a 56-year-old with schizophrenia, hypertension, asthma, and insomnia. His case manager referred him to the community-based occupational therapy clinic for instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) and health management skill training. You are the occupational therapy practitioner assigned to provide Norman's intervention session today.
Recommended time for completion is 75 minutes.

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Gabriel- Intervention (SLP)
Interprofessional Case Study Interprofessional 

Interprofessional education (IPE) offers a collaborative approach to person-centered care with simulations developed for multiple professions.

View all Gabriel IPE simulations >

Gabriel is a 2-year-old with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and a cortical visual impairment. Gabriel is scheduled for a telehealth cotreatment intervention session today with OT and SLP. You are the speech-language pathology practitioner assigned to address Gabriel's communication and assistive technology needs during today's session.
Recommended time for completion is 45 minutes.

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Lyric- Assessment 2 (RAD)
Lyric is a 16-year-old referred by her orthopedist for follow-up X-rays of her right ankle. She continues to have pain and inability to bear weight on her right leg after an injury several weeks ago. You are the radiologic technologist assigned to complete Lyric's images today.
Recommended time for completion is 30 minutes.

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Ron- Intervention Session 2 (PT)
Ron is a 62-year-old who underwent a transtibial amputation due to sepsis and osteomyelitis of the foot nearly five months ago. The hospital discharged him home where he receives physical therapy services. You are the physical therapy practitioner assigned to complete Ron's home-based physical therapy intervention today.
Recommended time for completion is 60 minutes.

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Joy- Assessment (SW)
Joy is a 71-year-old sole caregiver for her husband, Greg, who has a dementia diagnosis. Following Greg's hospital admission, nursing staff expressed concern about Joy being overwhelmed, and the hospitalist referred Joy to the social work department. You are the social work practitioner assigned to complete a psychosocial assessment and discharge planning with Joy.
Recommended time for completion is 60 minutes.

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