Latreece- Assessment (SLP)
Latreece is a student in the second grade. She was previously retained in first grade, so she is older than the other children, yet seems way behind them in achievement. She is in the Title I Reading Program; however, she continues to struggle. This is her first formal evaluation. You are the school-based speech-language pathologist assigned to complete her evaluation.
Recommended time for completion is 120 minutes.

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Doug- Assessment (SLP)
Doug will be a freshman in high school this year. This summer, Doug suffered a severe traumatic brain injury when he was struck in the head by a baseball. Prior to his injury, Doug was reported to excel in all academic areas but now demonstrates significant cognitive, physical, and communication deficits. You are the school-based speech-language pathologist assigned to complete his evaluation.
Recommended time for completion is 120 minutes.

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Molly- Assessment (SLP)
Molly is a student in sixth grade. She stutters when speaking and talks very fast. The school psychologist is leading the team, and you are the school-based speech-language pathologist assigned to complete her evaluation.
Recommended time for completion is 75 minutes.

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Carley- Assessment (SLP)
Carley is a 3-year-old who is referred for an evaluation. Her parents are concerned that Carley's speech and language skills may be delayed for her age. You are a speech-language pathologist at a private practice assigned to complete her evaluation.
Recommended time for completion is 75 minutes.

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Colt- Assessment (SLP)
Colt is a 12-year-old who was recently diagnosed with vocal nodules and his ENT recommended speech therapy. You are the school-based speech-language pathologist assigned to complete his evaluation.
Recommended time for completion is 75 minutes.

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Oliver- Assessment (SLP)
Oliver is a 3-year-old with developmental delays. He received early intervention services and private therapies and is now transitioning to public preschool. You are the school-based speech-language pathologist assigned to evaluate Oliver prior to his preschool placement.
Recommended time for completion is 120 minutes.

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Deon- Assessment (SLP)
Deon is a 9-year, 11-month-old who is due for his three-year reevaluation. He is currently in a resource classroom for children with special needs and receives speech-language services. You are the school-based speech-language pathologist who is new to the school and responsible for completing his evaluation. His current IEP is not available to you for review prior to this evaluation.
Recommended time for completion is 120 minutes.

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Dora- Assessment (SLP)
Dora is a 3-year-old from a primarily Spanish-speaking home who was referred by her parents for an evaluation of her language skills due to very limited expressive language and concerns about repetition of sounds. You are the speech-language pathologist assigned to complete her evaluation.
Recommended time for completion is 75 minutes.

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Felix- Assessment (SLP)
Felix is struggling with the second grade curriculum and performing significantly below standards in all areas. He is a native Spanish speaker and making progress in his English language acquisition. He currently receives speech-language services at school and his school district is completing a reevaluation to determine if his current placement is appropriate. You are the new school based speech-language pathologist responsible for completing his evaluation.
Recommended time for completion is 75 minutes.

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Kara Lynn- Assessment (SLP)
Kara Lynn is a 3-year, 6-month-old who was referred for assessment by her preschool teacher because of her unintelligible speech. You are the speech-language pathologist assigned to complete her evaluation.
Recommended time for completion is 75 minutes.

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