Paidyn- Assessment (OT)
Paidyn is a 2-year-old with autism spectrum disorder who has been receiving occupational therapy services in an early education setting for the last six months. Paidyn, her mom Pareece, and an occupational therapist are involved in this simulation. You are the occupational therapist assigned to complete Paidyn's biannual evaluation today.
Recommended time for completion is 90 minutes.

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Frank- Intervention (OT)
Frank is an 80-year-old with Parkinson's disease and Lewy body dementia who recently experienced a cerebral infarct and a progressive increase in falls. Frank was briefly hospitalized in an acute care setting prior to being discharged home to the independent senior living facility where he lives. Frank has recently been evaluated at his living facility and you are the occupational therapy practitioner assigned to provide his intervention.
Recommended time for completion is 45 minutes.

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Jordan Z.- Assessment (SLP)


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Frank- Assessment (OT)
Frank is an 80-year-old with Parkinson's disease and Lewy body dementia who recently experienced a cerebral infarction and a progressive increase in falls. Frank was briefly hospitalized in an acute care setting prior to being discharged home to the independent senior living facility where he lives. You are the occupational therapist working for a mobile outpatient agency who is assigned to complete Frank's evaluation.
Recommended time for completion is 90 minutes.

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Akiva- Assessment (AuD)
Akiva is an 8-year-old referred by his ENT. His teacher has noticed distractibility and poor academic performance. You are an audiologist at a private clinic assigned to complete the audiological and auditory processing evaluation.
Recommended time for completion is 120 minutes.

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Leah- Assessment (SLP)
Leah is a 4-year-old with a diagnosis of autism. She attends weekly therapy at a private clinic and was referred to you for an AAC assessment. You are a speech-language pathologist at an outpatient clinic assigned to complete her augmentative and alternative communication evaluation.
Recommended time for completion is 90 minutes.

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Ever- Assessment (AuD)
Ever is an 11-year-old with a history of language and auditory processing difficulties. He has been referred for a reevaluation of both his hearing and auditory processing abilities by his school speech-language pathologist. You are an audiologist at a private clinic assigned to complete the auditory processing portion of his evaluation.
Recommended time for completion is 90 minutes.

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Ed- Assessment (OT)
Ed is a 78-year-old who experienced a stroke five months ago and was discharged home approximately two weeks ago. He previously received occupational therapy services in an inpatient rehabilitation setting, followed by subacute rehabilitation. Ed, his wife Yvonne, and an occupational therapist are involved in this simulation. You are the occupational therapist completing this home-based evaluation.
Recommended time for completion is 120 minutes.

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Witten- Assessment (SLP)
Witten has been involved in early intervention since age 1. He will turn 3 soon, and you are the speech-language pathologist assigned to complete his early intervention exit evaluation and family consultation.
Recommended time for completion is 75 minutes.

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Steven- Assessment (SLP)
Steven is a 60-year-old with a history of a traumatic brain injury and glioblastoma. He recently had a recurrence of tumor growth and a craniotomy. He was discharged home to his apartment and you are the home and community based speech-language pathologist assigned to complete his evaluation. The evaluation will take place in Steven's home environment.
Recommended time for completion is 120 minutes.

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